
Philadelphia Buddhist Association Links to practice and retreats in our region.

Access to Insight Readings and commentary from original sources. – buddhist information and education – Lama Gursams website (The Bodhicitta Foundation)

Tara Brach guided audio  meditations

Access to insight

Stephen Procter Meditation Classes (great resource to anyone looking for meditation and Buddhism resources )

Places to practice meditation

Map of meditation centers in the area

Philadelphia Meditation Center – Local retreats and meditation.

Won Institute – Buddhist Center (Glenside, PA)

Thai Temple (3304 Knights Rd, Bensalem) –  meditation teachings in English Fridays 5:30, Saturdays 5 PM

Khalsa Healing Arts and Yoga Center (Yardley, PA)

Menlha Kadampa Buddhist Center (Lambertville, NJ)