Dear BSBC Members,
I am writing to remind you of our annual membership meeting, which will be held Monday November 14th in the social room of the Yardley Meeting House. This meeting is a formal requirement of our bylaws, and is the time we elect our governing board for the following year. It is also a special time for socializing and reflecting on the year past and considering the year ahead.
As in past years, we will begin with a pot luck dinner, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will begin about 7:15. While we will have a short meditation period following dinner, there will be no regular meditation this evening. I hope you can attend, and feel free to bring family members with you who you think might enjoy getting to know us better. While children are welcome, some of the meeting may a bit boring for them! (Please bring a simple ingredients label for food that you bring to share, so that people with dietary restrictions can enjoy your offering.)
Many of you are relatively new members of the Sangha, and I want to encourage you to carefully consider whether you have the interest and ability to serve as a member of our board or on a board committee. As an all volunteer organization we need committed assistance from our members and friends to be able to serve our growing community with the support for learning, practice, and service that is the heart of our Buddhist path.
If you want to be considered for board membership, please reply to this email. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please reach out to the current committee chair people at any Monday night meeting: Program Committee – Janet Weathers, or Enda Telep; Communications Committee: Eugene Pevzner, Joe Beck or Susan Harrison; Outreach & Service Committee: David Clark or Rika Barrett. Vice-President of our board, Dave Mermelstein, would also be happy to talk with you about all service opportunities.
On behalf of the BSBC Board, I want to express my appreciation for your willingness to assist us in our mission through whatever means feel right and appropriate for you. I hope to see most of you on the 14th, if not before, and encourage you to take advantage of Lama Gursam’s fall visit with us on November 4th and 5th.
Phil Brown
President, BSBC