Welcome to the Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County

Group Meditation every Monday 7 pm-8 pm + Dharma Discussion following 8pm-9pm at 65 North Main Street in Yardley, PA (Yardley Friends Meeting) 

Please check our newsletter for latest information about any events or updates. Masking is not required but encouraged. Please do not attend if you suspect you have an upper respiratory virus of any kind. Thank you!

Meditation Hall
Meditation hall with cushions and benches available.

Upcoming retreats coming in 2025: Stay Tuned for details…

All are welcome! You do not need to identify as a Buddhist or know anything about Buddhism to join us. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussions. We usually see 30-45 people each Monday night.

After meditation session: hot tea and snacks are available followed by a dharma discussion from 8:15-9pm on various Buddhist topics chosen by volunteers. 

Discussion Hour
The group meets in the discussion hall after meditation to discuss various Buddhist topics, enjoy fellowship and snacks.

Learn more about us and contact us if you have any questions! First Time Visitor? Check out this page for more info

Click here for information and contributions by our members as well as various announcements and event info.

We also post periodic updates social media but not as regularly as email newsletter.

If you can’t attend our group meditation, you can find a group that practices sitting Meditation near you.

Volunteer @ sangha- Our Monday night program would not be possible without the work of our volunteers. We need help with setup, cleanup, delivery of donations to the local food pantry and more. Please volunteer for setup, & to lead service ( follow this easy guide if you need help with signing up ) or ask any of the board members any time if you are interested in helping out. If you are interested in leading the sitting service, join us as a member of the sangha (check out this information – more about being a member)

  • You do not need to be a member of the Sangha to join us in any of our events. However, a free membership is available to help deepen your commitment to meditation and the Sangha, as well as to have voting privileges in yearly elections, and more. Ask on a Monday evening for a membership form or see it online.

Sangha Support (Dana)*

The Sangha offers our weekly meetings, programs, and retreats through the volunteer efforts of members and the Board. We rely on your weekly donations (dana) to pay the rent and provide various programs. Our teachers receive no payment for their instruction, however in the tradition of dana (generosity) they are supported solely by your voluntary donations.
May your generosity be a spontaneous expression of gratitude. We have a donation box on the lobby table with the order of service booklets. Your donations are tax deductible and we can provide tax receipts on request.

You may send a check to 65 North Main Street in Yardley, PA 19067 (Att:BSBC) or if you prefer, you may donate online via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button


Recent Visiting Teachers: 

The Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County is fortunate to have teachers visit us from time to time and share the dharma with us. Click to see a page is dedicated to sharing information about them.