The Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County is fortunate to have teachers visit us from time to time and share the dharma with us. This page is dedicated to sharing information about them.
Padmadharini – was ordained 12 years ago into the Triratna International Buddhist Community, before which she graduated from a multi-year intensive training in meditation, ethics and Buddhist teachings. Currently teaches Buddhist courses at Triratna-NYC and have been leading courses, workshops and retreats on Buddhism and mindfulness in the US and Europe for over 15 years. We were fortunate to have Padmadharini lead a 6 week course for us in 2018. More information about her.
![My Picture](
Singhashri is a teacher with the Triranta Buddhist Community, second generation American currently living in the UK. Read more about her and read/listen to her teachings
From Singhashri’s website: “Any radical act must get down to the root of things, which often lies below the surface, is hidden from view, taken for granted, yet is ultimately essential for existence. The radical embrace calls us to face and draw in near, as near as we can get, the very crux of the matter, the rub of our existence. We may have spent our whole life, up until now, running from our pain, ignoring our vulnerability, hiding from our own shadow. The radical embrace is about waking up, not only to the shadow, but to the deep, transformative power inherent there.”
Nikki Mirghafori – teaches Buddhist meditation and contemplation nationally. She was introduced to meditation in 1991 and to Theravada Buddhism in 2003 and has studied with various Western and Eastern teachers. She is a Spirit Rock authorized retreat teacher, a Stanford trained compassion cultivation instructor, and a UCLA certified mindfulness facilitator . Nikki joined us virtually on 11/2017 and we are grateful. More information about her and her dharma teachings
![lama gursam website](/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/lama-gursam-website.jpg)
Yogi Acharya Lama Gursam is Buddhist teacher from Tibet. He started at a very early age and earned a Master’s degree in advanced Buddhist philosophy in 1990. Upon graduation he also received a special award from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He visits our sangha a few times a year – Click to see more information about his visits and dharma teachings
Chipamong Chowdhury is a scholar and teacher of Buddhist studies, and a socially engaged monastic. Bhante, as he is known, was born in Bangladesh and trained in the Theravada tradition in Mayanmar, Sri Lanka, and at Naropa and Toronto Universities. He visited us and led a retreat in August 2017. Click to see more information about his visits and dharma teachings
George Haas, led a few discussions virtually in 2017 and visited us March 2018. He is a founder of Mettagroup His Dharma talks can be found here: [Click to find more about his visits ]
Rebecca Li visited our Sangha a few times in 2017 and on April 2018. Her Dharma talk inspired us and we are grateful for her visit. [click to hear the latest audio]
Rebecca Li teaches and practices in the Chan lineage.
[Click to see more information about her visits and dharma teachings ]
Andre is a Zen teacher in the Five Mountain Zen Order. Andre joined us in 9/11/2017 for a dharma talk and meditation instructions. In July of 2016, Andre received Dharma Transmission from his teacher, Zen Master Wonji Dharma. See his bio and his writings at
[Click to see more information about his visits and dharma teachings ]