9/11/2017: Visiting Zen Teacher Andre Teasan Halaw


September 11th: Visiting Zen Teacher Andre Teasan Halaw joins us again with a special Monday Night Retreat – from 7PM-9PM! All Are Welcome!

Suggested Donation: $10 – As usual no-one turned away for inability to donate. 

Andre is a Zen teacher in the Five Mountain Zen Order. In July of 2016, Andre received Dharma Transmission from his teacher, Zen Master Wonji Dharma.

Andre Doshim Halaw, in his book “No-Mind: Realizing Your True Nature”:

“The Absolute is the root of all existence. ‘Existence’, in its broadest sense, refers to everything that is. Anything that we can hear, see, smell, taste touch, emote—basically anything that can be sensed or perceived—exists. The totality of all that exists composes ‘existence’ or ‘being’. This includes us and the world in which we live. Not just the material dimension, but all that is in the full existential sense of the term.

Yet, existence is not everything. There is more to reality than just what exists.

Enter the Absolute. The Absolute is not the opposite of ‘being’; it is the very basis of it. Everything—from the moon and stars to a lump of coal—has the Absolute as it true nature. As Paul Brunton, student of the revered Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi, writes, “Every conceivable kind of form comes out of the seeming Void into time and space.”

You can visit Andre at his Zen blog Original Mind or on Twitter. He has several books available on Amazon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact him at http://www.originalmindzen.com/contact-us.html

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