Taking refuge in the Buddha, we learn to transform anger into compassion; Taking refuge in the Dharma, we learn to transform delusion into wisdom; Taking refuge in the Sangha, we learn to transform desire into generosity. |
Return to in-person meetings! ALL ARE WELCOME Dear Sangha Members, We vow to go through our meetings in a spirit of togetherness as we review all ideas and consolidate them to reach a harmonious understanding or consensus. We vow to use the methods of loving speech and deep listening in order to bring about the success of this meeting as an offering to the Three Jewels. We vow not to hesitate to share our ideas and insights but also vow not to say anything when the feeling of irritation is present in us. We are resolutely determined not to allow tension to build up in this meeting. If any one of us senses the start of tension, we will stop immediately and practice Beginning Anew right away so as to re-establish an atmosphere of togetherness and harmony. (from Joyfully Together) |
The Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County returnс to the Yardley Friends Meetinghouse 12/6/2021. To protect the health of our members and visitors and their friends and family, we are asking everyone to follow these protocols: Entering the building: -All visitors are asked to wear a mask to enter, -Please wear a mask while socializing and while moving about the meetinghouse. -To keep our community healthy, if you don’t feel well, please stay home and practice alone. Second-hour discussions: -Visitors will be asked to wear a mask while sitting in our discussion circle. · Anyone who feels they need to remove their masks are asked to sit more distantly, but still be part of the discussion. -For the remainder of the year, there will be no tea or snacks served during the second hour. Please do feel free to bring your own snack and beverage. Please note that the executive officers and Board members will evaluate these protocols over the next weeks, and will consider changes when they seem appropriate. We look forward to seeing you all in person soon! |
Community Outreach – Our Sangha continues to work to support our community Fall Road Clean Up took place Saturday Nov. 6th A warm thanks to all who were able to participate & keep our community-sponsored road tidy! TASK is leading the fight against hunger, serving 8,000 meals per week at 32 meal sites across the area. Hunger Action Month: Know More Today, we mark the beginning of October and the end of Hunger Action Month. Throughout September, we focused our efforts on raising awareness about food insecurity and its growing impact on Mercer County. On September 17, Hunger Action Day, we convened a large group of legislators and thought leaders at TASK to discuss the state of food insecurity in New Jersey. While speakers touched on a wide variety of issues, one thing was clear: hunger is complex. There are no simple solutions. We also debuted a new brand new video that tells the story of our efforts to address the hunger crisis and feed TASK patrons — body, mind and soul. As you’ll find in the video, this group does more than just feed those in need. https://youtu.be/5HcbieYt5c8 Caring For Friends, a food bank and senior meals program in Philadelphia, PA. Caring for Friends volunteers prepare and deliver thousands of meals to homebound seniors throughout the Delaware Valley. The BSBC Board voted to donate $500 which will go a long way in purchasing food and supplies, particularly since Caring for Friends can buy in bulk and receive discounts as a charitable organization. ![]() To learn more, please visit: https://caringforfriends.org |
![]() Supporting Our Sangha: Dana The Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County offers our programs, retreats, and weekly meetings through the volunteer efforts of our members. We rely on your weekly donations (dana) to pay our rent and provide various offerings. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please, consider supporting us at a level that is most comfortable for you, and know that you can make a contribution by check at any time in-person or online using the Paypal button. All are welcome, regardless of ability to contribute. May your practice be steadfast, and thank you for being a part of the Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County. |