Padma Dharini – Meditation Series Commencement

We were delighted to have Padma Dharini last night on Monday, April 16, 2018. Fortunately, we were able to record this final session (as part of a 6-week meditation series). The entire talk is excellent. Midway through (starting at 31 minute mark), Padhma Dharini led us through a guided meditation exploring awareness and self. It was quite an interesting experience and enlightening to hear others’ describe their experience. The Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County is so grateful to Padma Dharini for all the time and instruction she provided over the last 6 weeks. We certainly hope to continue to benefit from Padma Dharini’s teaching in the future. Enjoy this audio below!

The Audio from April 16, 2018 below:

04.16.18 Meditation Series Commencement     

Also we have audio for some of the previous weeks

04.02.18 Practice of loving kindness or metta     

Week 6 Visual Posterboard:



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