Dr. Rebecca Li Dharma talk April 2024

The following talk is about the noble truth of suffering and how to apply the teachings to everyday life. The talk begins after the instruction was given after the guided meditation to keep paying attention to the present moment to moment experience as the guests went on short break and came back to hear the teachings.

About Rebecca Li, PhD 

Rebecca Li

Rebecca began practicing in 1995, and attended her first seven-day intensive retreat with Chan Master Sheng Yen, founder of Dharma Drum Retreat Center (DDRC), in the following year. Since then she has attended numerous intensive Chan retreats. In 1999 after moving to New Jersey she began translating for Master Sheng Yen. In the same year, she began her training with the Master to become a Dharma and meditation instructor. Currently, she teaches meditation and Dharma classes and gives public lectures at the Chan Meditation Center (CMC) and leads 1- to 3-day retreats at CMC & DDRC. She has been training with Simon Child since 2008 to conduct retreat interviews and has been assisting in his intensive retreats since 2012. Along with her husband David Slaymaker, Rebecca leads Chan practice at Rutgers University and the New Jersey chapter of DDMBA and teaches on behalf of Dharma Drum in various community activities in the NJ-NY area. Rebecca is a board member of the Dharma Drum Retreat Center and professor of sociology at The College of New Jersey.

The Chan Meditation Center: http://www.chancenter.org/
The Dharma Drum Retreat Center: http://www.dharmadrumretreat.org/
See Rebecca’s talk about why we meditate here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZrcxVnufyw
Hear her recording from other visits /tag/rebecca-li/ 

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