Please join us at Makefield Friends Meeting House on December 14th 7pm-9pm, for a dharma talk and a day long retreat Saturday 12/15
The theme of the retreat will be Madhupindika or “Honey Ball” Sutta: – The Discourse of how mental proliferation and views arise, lead to conflict and how we may bring this experience to an end.
The weekend will be spacious with a combination of silence, Meditation, instruction and direct experience.
We recommend that you attend both Friday evening and Saturday all day however accommodation will be made for those who are unable to do so.
During the retreat we will enjoy a quiet lunch (bring your own lunch)
You are welcome to come for any portion of the retreat.
NOTE: originally we had Lama Gursam scheduled to lead the retreat, however he had to fly to tend to his ill father and we are so grateful that Pama Dharini was able to take the time to lead this retreat.
see the press release